Nigel Taylor
Nigel Paul Taylor (born 1956) is a British botanist. He mainly focuses on the study of cacti. Taylor has been director of the Singapore Botanic Gardens since September 2011. He was previously curator of the Kew Gardens in London.Provided by Wikipedia
by Kate A. Hardwick, Peggy Fiedler, Lyndon C. Lee, Bruce Pavlik, Richard J. Hobbs, James Aronson, Martin Bidartondo, Eric Black, David Coates, Matthew I. Daws, Kingsley Dixon, Stephen Elliott, Kern Ewing, George Gann, David Gibbons, Joachim Gratzfeld, Martin Hamilton, David Hardman, Jim Harris, Pat M. Holmes, Meirion Jones, David Mabberley, Andrew Mackenzie, Carlos Magdalena, Robert Marrs, William Milliken, Anthony Mills, Eimear Nic Lughadha, Margaret Ramsay, Paul Smith, Nigel Taylor, Clare Trivedi, Michael Way, Oliver Whaley, Stephen D. Hopper
Published 2018
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