PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT HEALTHCARE QUALITY SERVICE CASE STUDY: Health is important for a person to be able to work optimally. However, sometimes it is considered not urgent and not noticed by the public and some people have low of awareness about health. In Indonesiaâs health system, primary care is defined as health-care services that provided by non-specialist health care worker and become the first place for patient having a treatment. The making of clinic was regulated in PERMENKES no. 9 in 2014 that consists types of clinics, minimum human resources, instrument medic and non-medic, pharmacist, clinical permit, health (preventive and curative) services, and et cetera. Health services provided by clinics are comprehensive health services that include services: curative (treatment), preventive (prevention efforts), promote (health improvement), and rehabilitative (health recovery). Health services are required to always improve the professionalism of their employees and improve their health facilities to provide satisfaction to the community. This research aims to help Primary Clinic X to meet the standard minimal of healthcare and propose the new system that can help the clinic operates regularly to improve clinicâs quality service. In this research the author use the qualitative research to know the problem in this case. Beginning with interview, observation and literature review the author will explore the issue and then make the business solution for problem. The problem that happened in clinic are infrastructure, building, medical equipment, SOP, and workers not according to regulation. It means the standard minimal of healthcare need to implement in clinic X. In this research the author will show what should the clinic improve their clinic to meet the regulation especially in terms infrastructure, building, SOP, and manpower planning. The absence of a queue system and a medical record storage system often obstruct clinical operations. After knowing the shortcoming of the clinic, the author proposed the solution to improved the clinic based on regulation. The clinic need to renovate the building in terms fulfill the need for the number of rooms and provide more ventilation and electricity to correct the infrastructure. Numbering queue system and numbering medical records also proposed by the author to improve system that clinic needs. SOP made according to PERMENKES and Health Department will benefit to minimalize an error that worker will do in the future, Recruiting new employee both from internal and external recruit to meet the needs of the number of workers in accordance with the rules. Make a clear job description will help the workers work appropriate with their duties everyday. All the improvement are aim to improve the quality of service and satisfying service to patients. It will take 6 months until 1 Year to implemented all the proposals that author make to meet the regulations.
بواسطة: Budiono, Helena