Bindu Menon

Menon received the Mridha Spirit of Neurology Humanitarian Award and the A. B. Baker Teacher Recognition Award from the American Academy of Neurology in 2022. In 2021, the World Stroke Organization honoured her with the Fellowship of the World Stroke Organization (FWSO). She is also noted for her research in the field of epilepsy and other neurological diseases. Provided by Wikipedia
by Mohammad Wasay, Subhash Kaul, Bindu Menon, Narayanaswamy Venketasubramanian, Padma Gunaratne, Ahmed Khalifa, Niphon Poungvarin, Mohammad Saadatnia, Robert Ngo Gan, Alper Dai, M. M. Mehndiratta
Published 2018
Get full textPublished 2018