Hazel Brown
Hazel Angela Brown (31 January 1942 – 22 September 2022) was a Trinbagonian women's and consumer rights activist. She was a co-founder and coordinator of the Network of NGOs for the Advancement of Women. She was secretary general of the Commonwealth Women's Network. Provided by Wikipedia
by Patricia M. Davidson, Sarah J. McGrath, Afaf I. Meleis, Phyllis Stern, Michelle DiGiacomo, Tessa Dharmendra, Rosaly Correa-De-Araujo, Jacquelyn C. Campbell, Margarethe Hochleitner, De Anne K.H. Messias, Hazel Brown, Anne Teitelman, Siriorn Sindhu, Karen Reesman, Solina Richter, Marilyn S. Sommers, Doris Schaeffer, Marilyn Stringer, Carolyn Sampselle, Debra Anderson, Josefina A. Tuazon, Yingjuan Cao, Eleanor Krassen Covan
Published 2018
Get full textPublished 2018