Coleus i s one of genus belon gs to Lamiaceac tiunily \\ hich gnm s in Asia. Afrika. and Australia. The l ea,•es of this plant ha,•e been reponed to cnnt lin seconda ry meta bol ite:-, . uch as tla \'0noids. saponi ns. steroids. ami tannin:-. group . \\ hilc its stem...

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Main Author: Rodiah, Siti
Format: Final Project
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Institution: Institut Teknologi Bandung
Language: Indonesia
Summary:Coleus i s one of genus belon gs to Lamiaceac tiunily \\ hich gnm s in Asia. Afrika. and Australia. The l ea,•es of this plant ha,•e been reponed to cnnt lin seconda ry meta bol ite:-, . uch as tla \'0noids. saponi ns. steroids. ami tannin:-. group . \\ hilc its stem bark contains pol iphenol s. essential oils. and alkaloid. T hi:, genus ha::, 150 ::,pccics. one of them is Coluus scu!ellurioides. Coleus scu!ellurioidc.\ i:-. common!: used <lS medicinal plant i n I ndonesia a nd is locally k now n as •Jav\'er Kotok ' (in Sundanc e). Th e i:--.ol<ltecl com pounds obtn i ncd ti•om lcnves and stem of thi s species includ i ng lla\onoid::-.. tcqJcnoids. knilpropanoids. carboxylic acid derivat ives, and amide dcriYat v-es group:-.. -, he sccondnry metabolites fro m th is spec ies has a l so reponed t o ha \'e se \•eral bioncti\ itic. such as antibacteriaL antioxid ant. anri ­ inllammatory. and repellent agai nst .-l edc.\ ucge1m• mosqu i to. In t h is research. phytochemical st udi es of t he leaves f rom red C \. cu!ellurioide. from Cih icku ng. Lembang. West Ja,•a and its bioact ivity on cytotoxic agai nst mu r ine leukemia P-3K8 cells haYc been cond ucted. •1 he isolation of the com pou nds wa s carried o ut through four steps. F irst st ep wa macerat ion o f dry powder of leaves by u sing met hanol to obtain rnet hanol ic ext ract. The second step was separation of chlorophy ll from met hanoli c ext ract followed by l iquid extraction w ith et hy l acetate. The third step was fractionation and puri fication of ethyl acetat e ext ract using various chromatography techniques. suc h as \'acuum li q uid clu-omatoghra phy. gravi t y co lumn chromat ography a nd ra dial c hromatug raphy monitored w i th th in l ayer chromatography. Fou nh step was the structure determ in at ion of t he pure isolates by usi ng data of I 0-NMR (' H-NMR and '-'C- NMR) and 2 0- NM R ( HSQC. H MBC. a nd COSY) and fol lowed by exa mination of the isol ated compounds against m urine leu kemia P- 388 cel ls. Four i solates ha ve been iso lated from methanolic extract of reel C scu!ellorioid es l eaves. Based on NMR data. the st ruct ures of the isolated com pou nd s icl ent ill ed to be luteolin, caffeic ac id. 6 -hyd roxy-13.16-cyc l o-S-abiet cnc- 1 U4-di one 12-0-1 -D-gl u co ide, a nd 3 .6 -d i hydroxy-1 3,1 6-cyclo-8-a bietene-11 .1 --1-dione 12-0- -0-g.l ucoside. The t h ird a nd t h e fourth compounds were suggested to be new Cllmpounds. Furthermore. l uteolin has been exam ined on their cytotoxicities <1ga in:-.t murine leukemia P-38S cells fo llowing 1\ri TT assny method. The cytotoxi c assay showed that luteolm was not acti\'e <1ga inst murine leukemi a P-388 cell s w it h ICsu --1,40 Lg/ mL