.\'o!lintlunux is a genus of .\rali<lceac t 1111il: nf plant '' hich ro''::. in Indonesia, Vietnam. P hilippines. Malaysia and China. One :--pecil;!s ,,t .\olliot)(tllux that grows in Indonesia is So!lt of lll llll.Y scmellurittm. This species has...
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Institution: | Institut Teknologi Bandung |
Language: | Indonesia |
Summary: | .\'o!lintlunux is a genus of .\rali<lceac t 1111il: nf plant '' hich ro''::. in Indonesia, Vietnam.
P hilippines. Malaysia and China. One :--pecil;!s ,,t .\olliot)(tllux that grows in Indonesia is
So!lt of lll llll.Y scmellurittm. This species has bct:n usc:cl aornament al-pla nt a nd t radit i onal medicines. The ph;1oclH.:misll) tud: qualitati\el: ::-h \) \\Cd that .\'o!hotWIItt.Y sc.:uwlluriwn contained ,•arious seconda r: metabol i tes. i.e. alkaloid!>. tl;nonoids. t erpeno ids. anthraquinones. sa ponin::-. tannin::- and l.?l'ttmarins. r hc i:,olatcd compund::. obtained from this
::. pect es ,,•ere stigma::. ta-5.22-d iene-0-[1-0-galacwp:ranoside from t he lea,•cs a nd stigmasterol from the stem bark. lie)\\ I.?\ cr. phytochemi::-try ::-tudy or heart\\'OOd has not been reported yet. Therefore. in this re::,carch. the phytochemistry slllcly of the hea rt wood or
.\'. .,cu!ellariuiJI and the cytotoxic bioacti\ it y exa mination of isolated compou nds agai nst murine leukemia P-3HX cells ha'c been conduct ed. r he isolat i on of the compounds was
carried out through se,•eral separati on steps. namely maceration. ch l orophyll sepa ration, and a l so l"ractionation a nd puritication by using \arious chromatographic tech niq ues. i ncluding vacuum liqu id chromatograph y, g ra,•ity column ch romatogra phy and radi a l chromatography
t echniqu es. The purit y test of i so l ated compound s was pc rfonncd w ith th in layer
chromatograph y (TLC) using three different eluents. The identi lication of t he
struc tu res of pure compounds \\'as bas ?d on )Jt\lR spect roscopy data ( H and i.1C). I n
this resea rch. three pun:: isolat es ha\ c been y ielded a nd idcntitied as sr igmasta-4,22-dien-
3-one. stigmasterol and st ea ric acid. ta--L22-dien-3-one \\'as reported in the first time from.\'. scu!ellariuni, but t\\'O other crnnpounds ha,•e been prc,•iously reported from the same
::.pecies. Furthennore, the bioacti,•ity o t• stigmasta--L22-dien-3-one aga int s mu rine leukemia P-388 celb has been carried l1Ul b\1"1 T assay method. -l he bioactivity assay sho\\'ed that stigmast a --L22-d i en -3-one \\anot active'' ith !(.',, ,•aluc of37.l9 tg/ mL.