Mordenile (\!OR) is a 111(!/llher of ::eolite Hhich is conwwn \' used as an importat11 cuta rst in rarious chemical reactions in the petroleum and petrochemical refining industries such as hydrocracking, hydroisomeri::ation. alf..ylation, refonning. dc11•axing. and dimethylamine productio...
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Institution: | Institut Teknologi Bandung |
Language: | Indonesia |
Summary: | Mordenile (\!OR) is a 111(!/llher of ::eolite Hhich is conwwn \' used as an importat11 cuta rst in rarious chemical reactions in the petroleum and petrochemical refining industries such as hydrocracking, hydroisomeri::ation. alf..ylation, refonning. dc11•axing. and dimethylamine production. However, mordenite has a small pore
channel tith dimensions o/"2.5 x 5.7 A .it causes di(f'usion harrier regarding to the
limited access to the actiw! clzannels, especial(r for reaclions inl'Oh•ing large molecule'\. More m•er coke'l can he formed and MOR ::eolites are susceptible to deactimtion. The prese11ce of hierarcl11cal pore system (micropore -+ mesopore) in MOR ::eolite crystals is a strategy to overcome !his d!{/iJsion prohlem. It can he obtained using l tn approache< . there are the Top-Dom1 and Bollom-Up approaches On a labora£01:'• scale. the Bottom-l../p approach is more desirable than Top-Dov.n because it produce the .\t!OR ::eolite crystal without the precence of de/eels. recent(,•. porous hierarchical \fOR ::eolite can he obtained hy .,ynthesi::ing MOR ::eolite •which has a rod-a'lsemhled morphology. it has a lzierarchical inrerCI)''Ilalline pore system. Some straregies that have heen applied to produce rod-assembled MOR ::colite are the use of organosilane-ha'led seeds and/or mganic compowul\• or bollom-up sur(acta nts. Previously, MOR Hith rod asw:mhled mmphology has heen succeHjully 'lJ'Illhesi ed H'ithout tHing seeds and organic compounds through one c1:1•stalli::atw1z temperarure of 180 °C llowever, it still produced a relatiw!ly wzi(ormity of the si::e of the crystal and there is no report regarding to these. Rational\•, the crystalline si::e inconsistell(l' is cau'\ed hy an impe1j"ect nucleation proce'ls. 0)''\tal grml'th can ocmr rapid \' ajrer the Cf)'Stalline nucleus is formed when synthesis is carried out lirh one C I)'Stalli::ation temperature (Com•entional Constant Temperature Crystalli::ation CTC). Based on this consideration. tlze rod-assembled \lOR ::eolite was S} nlhesi::ed using the tu•o-stage cry'ltalli::ation temperalllre method ( Tu'O-Stage Temperawre
Crystalli::ation 1 TSTC). The first srage was carried out at 90 oc {loll• temperawre).
/twas known as an aging process that supports the formation of a huge numher of nystal nuclei. The second s1age is mrried out at 170 °C {high temperature), which
supporrs crystal growth. In comparison, ::.eolite MOR 1"\'0S also !l)'nthesi::ed com•entionally (C'TC). The product was characteri::ed hy XRD, SEAl. ATR-JR. and XRF. Based on the result. ::eolite synthesi::ed by the ere met/rod at a temperature
of 170 "C for 2 hours shu t•ed d{fJractiun peaks corresponding to the standard MOR ::.eolite. This is supported h_1• morphology which shcn1•s the ciJ'Stalline ph(He of rod-assembled. Furthermore, the ejjecr of rariution in synthesis titne at aging and height has been investigated against the nucleation and crystalli::ation process of \fOR ::eulite. Variation in aging time was carried out for 2..J. 48, and 72 hours with the crystalli::.ation stage at a temperalllre of 170 "C for 72 hours. From the variation of aging time. it 1vas found thai rhe optimum aging time mzs at 48 hours, which produced pure mordenite with crystal m01plwlogy of rod-assembled leaf-like with relatively uni(onn crystal si::es ranging(rvm 6- 9 Jim. On tlu! other hand. the n:vswlli::.ation process of \10R ::.evlite has also heen sLUdied, namer hy nUJ'ing the crystal/i::.ation time for 6. 1:!, :!4 and 48 hours u"ith the aging time that has been done before. Based 011 X-my d[lfractogram data. if was observed that •with increasing aging time. the rate of crystalli::ation of MOR ::.eolite was faster !han the
ere method or u•ithout aging treatment.