Identifikasidan Prevalensi Cacing Saluran Pencernaan Pada Katak Sawah (Fejervarya Cancrivora) Di Kabupaten Lumajang
Field frogs (Fejervarya cancrivora) is one of the frogs most often hunted and consumed in Lumajang Regency. Field frogs meat are believed to be effective in healing skin diseases and burns. The aim of this research is to give information that can be used as a basis for knowing what worms are found i...
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Summary: | Field frogs (Fejervarya cancrivora) is one of the frogs most often hunted and consumed in Lumajang Regency. Field frogs meat are believed to be effective in healing skin diseases and burns. The aim of this research is to give information that can be used as a basis for knowing what worms are found in field frogs of Lumajang Regency. Lumajang Regency is one of the areas in East Java which has extensive rice fields. The rice fields which are contains a lot of water are good habitats for living frogs because in the rice fields there are puddles, grasses, rice plants, and other plants can be used by the field frogs as a shelter, looking for food and reproducing. F. cancrivora can be the definitive host for gastrointestinal worm infections if they consume paratenic hosts containing metasercaria. Gastrointestinal worms in field frogs that can be found are worms from the Nematoda, Trematoda and Acantochepala. Based on the results of research on 50 samples of F. cancrivora the prevalence value was 94% and described by 44% from highland and 50% from lowland. These results indicate that digestive tract worms almost always infect the field frogs.The results of calculating prevalence of field frogs (F. cancrivora) infected with digestive tract worms based on different areas using the Chi-square test showed p>0.05 with Sig. 0.74 which indicates no difference. |