
Hooked is a 4 minute 3D animated short film, directed and animated by a team of four students, Ang Yi Zhi, Chia Ying Herng, Jerome Siew and Kyi Phyu Hnin (Hazel). It is produced as a final year project at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), School of Art, Design and Media. It is a story about a...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kyi Phyu Hnin.
Other Authors: Melanie Isabell Beisswenger
Format: Final Year Project
Published: 2010
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/10356/39479
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Institution: Nanyang Technological University
Language: English
Summary:Hooked is a 4 minute 3D animated short film, directed and animated by a team of four students, Ang Yi Zhi, Chia Ying Herng, Jerome Siew and Kyi Phyu Hnin (Hazel). It is produced as a final year project at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), School of Art, Design and Media. It is a story about a miscommunication between individuals and the impossible love. The story takes place in the arctic landscape and features three characters: a dog, a fish and a granny. It is about a lonely female fish falling in love with the male dog who, on the other hand, thought that she is a danger to him. In this paper, I shall go through the process of making our animated film from a sketch to a reality, along with the problems encountered.