The animals

“THE ANIMALS” is a stop motion animated short film, inspired by the life of Joseph Merrick, the famed Elephant Man, who lived in Britain during the Victorian Era. Merrick exhibits himself as a freak in penny gaffe shows for a meagre mean of living when a serendipitous turn of events changes his life...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Wee, Mark Nai De
Other Authors: School of Art, Design and Media
Format: Final Year Project
Published: 2014
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Institution: Nanyang Technological University
Language: English
Summary:“THE ANIMALS” is a stop motion animated short film, inspired by the life of Joseph Merrick, the famed Elephant Man, who lived in Britain during the Victorian Era. Merrick exhibits himself as a freak in penny gaffe shows for a meagre mean of living when a serendipitous turn of events changes his life. The film is also inspired by the live-action film “The Elephant Man” (1980) by David Lynch, whom had himself based his film on the writings and journal entries of Dr Frederick Treves, a Victorian surgeon who tended to and cared for Joseph Merrick in the Royal London Hospital until Merrick’s death. The animated film revolves around the theme of “Human Goodness”, and can be seen as self-reflexive and an allegory of life and relationships. It is heavily dramatized and re-imagined into a fantastical world of symbols and theatrics.